Most recently, Jessica brings Worzel Gummidge to life in a brand new audiobook series from Naxos Audiobooks. With his turnip head and broomstick legs, Worzel Gummidge, now married to Earthy Mangold, is back for another series of adventures. In his own inimitable way, Worzel takes on roles as a schoolteacher, handyman and policeman, each with a chaotic outcome.
Dramas and Radio Plays
Most recently, Jessica reprised the role of Mags in a brand new Doctor Who audio drama. Three new Main Range adventures from Big Finish productions will reunite the Seventh Doctor and his friend, Mags, the punk werewolf circus performer first seen in 1988's Doctor Who story The Greatest Show in the Galaxy. Alongside Sylvester McCoy, Jessica Martin reprises her role of Mags in this trilogy of terrifying tales!